Quick Update

Tomorrow is our last day in Le Havre and then on to Paris. I’m hoping there will be better Internet connection because I have many stories and pictures to share!



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Know Europe Team Project

Without a doubt, we’ve been having an awesome time in Europe during field visits, tours, and local activities. However, we also remember why we’re here in the first place and have been working on a project throughout these past two weeks. The Know Europe program provides an opportunity for students to work on a real-life situation outside of the classroom by investigating the feasibility of importing a product into the European Union. Continue reading

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Wi-Fi is Better Than Gold

While abroad, I’ve realized just how much we take advantage of access to wifi, or as the Europeans call it “wee-fee.” We’re currently in Le Havre, France, and the hotel’s wifi is limited to the first 30 (or some insanely low number in that range) customers who log in with the password.  Therefore, many blog posts have been written in draft form just waiting for the right signal to be able to hit submit. Continue reading

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First Week Abroad – Check!

We have officially been abroad for more than a week, even though it seems like we’ve been here so much longer. Here’s a recap of some tips to being in a foreign country:

  • Be prepared for anything. This includes having to “shower” by sitting down and holding the shower hose while trying not to get the whole bathroom wet. (P.S. It took some practice.) Also, be prepared for any weather – layering is key and don’t forget an umbrella.
  • Expect to not understand the menus. Pictures on menus will be your new best friend. If your order surprises you, go ahead and try it anyways, it could be a tasty surprise. Continue reading
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Tours of European Parliament and European Commission

The last few days have been so packed full of activities and experiences that it feels like we’ve already been here for at least a full week or two. Monday and Tuesday we had our first classes at one of the partner universities, Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel, aka The HUB. 

 Part of the Know Europe programs involves an introduction the the European Union, including its history and institutions. On Tuesday, we visited the European Parliament, which represents the people of the EU and shares legislative and budgetary power with the Council . The European Council, made up of ministers from the 27 EU member states, meets frequently to take policy decisions and move them forward into laws. Today, we had a separate tour of the European Commission, which represents the common interest of the EU, and is the main executive body. It puts forward proposals for legislation and ensures that EU policies are properly implemented.

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Last Call for Boarding to Brussels

For the next month, I will be attending the USF College of Business “Know Europe” study abroad program and providing an inside scoop on what it’s really like to be an American student at foreign business universities.

First, some fast facts about myself: I’m a fan of sound effects, which, unfortunately, won’t show through in my writing. Previously, the only other stamp in my passport was from Honduras. And, as much as I love cupcakes and other baked goods, my favorite scent is actually diesel. Yes, diesel, that wasn’t an autocorrect on my iPhone. It’s the last thing you smell before boarding an airplane, which means an adventure awaits on the other side and good things are about to come. As I sit in the JFK airport waiting to board to Brussels, I’m about to embark on probably the greatest adventure of my life thus far, and I couldn’t be more excited.  Continue reading

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