Tours of European Parliament and European Commission

The last few days have been so packed full of activities and experiences that it feels like we’ve already been here for at least a full week or two. Monday and Tuesday we had our first classes at one of the partner universities, Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel, aka The HUB. 

 Part of the Know Europe programs involves an introduction the the European Union, including its history and institutions. On Tuesday, we visited the European Parliament, which represents the people of the EU and shares legislative and budgetary power with the Council . The European Council, made up of ministers from the 27 EU member states, meets frequently to take policy decisions and move them forward into laws. Today, we had a separate tour of the European Commission, which represents the common interest of the EU, and is the main executive body. It puts forward proposals for legislation and ensures that EU policies are properly implemented.

You’re probably thinking this sounds more like a political science study abroad program rather than international marketing, but it all comes together to help us with our team projects. Next week I’ll describe the main project in more detail, but a quick summary is that each team has to create a strategic marketing plan to take an American wine or spirit product to market in Europe. The lectures at the European Commission today helped us understand the EU’s internal markets, foreign trade, global positioning, and, most importantly, wine legislation – all important information to consider when determining the most successful way to enter the EU’s wine and spirit market share.

Tomorrow’s class lectures are about doing business in the EU, which will help tie everything together.

For more pictures of our time in Brussels thus far, visit the USF College of Business Facebook page here.


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